I am an Empath and a Highly Sensitive Person.
I am currently working with a functional neurologist to help identify underlying imbalances, deficiencies, and chronic infections. My doc has found Chronic Lyme disease and Epstein Barr Syndrome, HVV6, and Walking Pneumonia. I work with him currently to use many different modalities to maybe, possibly, hopefully get me on the road to recovery.
I live in Minnesota with my life partner, Justin, and our two brilliant children, Howie and Madeline. I love Justin because he is impossible to pin down. He keeps my interest. He doesn’t know how to sneeze, and he chokes every time he laughs too hard. He basically only ever laughs at me, or the occasional funny movie. And when he laughs, I am reminded how good it is to be alive. He is quiet, deeply thoughtful, generous, and has a great heart.
Our two children have been the richest most rewarding adventure I’ve had the privilege of participating in. Howie is quick to laugh, witty, memorizes everything he hears, sees and experiences and never forgets any of it, and will someday realize his greatness is his sensitivity and awareness. Madeline is a singer, dancer, dreamer, and lives more in her imagination than in the physical realm. She may someday learn to pick up after herself; but most likely won’t ever visit the physical realm enough to care. She is incredibly spicy and sweet, and those two will serve her well as she serves the world.
I love music. I want to play the guitar and many other instruments, though I have not had the time or patience to dedicate to those at this time. I want to write songs. I want to write (finish) a book. I want to live in the woods, more closely connected to nature. I want to live a peaceful life.
I love Qigong, free dance, drum circles, gardens, music, new experiences, reading, discovering a new place to walk, podcasts, books, my bed, blue skies, cloud formations, camping, discovering a new friend, being with people, games, and my recent realization that the only point of anything is to be in the present.